Saturday 2 January 2010

You've got to start somewhere

Welcome to my new blog. At the moment, it feels like a crisp new school exercise book that's full of possibilities but doesn't yet contain any crossings-out or missed pages. I used to like my exercise books when they were unblemished like that. It never used to last very long- by the end of the first week they'd be a mass of mistakes and the card cover would be beginning to dog-ear. This blog, on the other hand, needs a few scribbles and rips around the edges, so that it can be mine.

My main reason for beginning to blog is to give myself some writing practice (and now that I've said that, I can see that all sorts of grammatical errors and unstylish writing are creeping in). I've been writing in my spare time for the past decade (on and off) but now I want to do something about it, to see if I can one day write something worth publishing. This is my training. It may be a bit clumsy to start with (if so, please be kind and remember that I'm still learning to write for the public domain), but my intention is to improve my skills. The mention of Mount Parnassus in the title isn't intended to be arrogant, but rather to challenge me.

I also knit a lot and am interested (to a lesser extent) in other crafts, so they will probably creep in at some point to provide the occasional pretty picture.

I feel that I ought to be saying something more momentous to start my blog, but- for the moment at least- it's a start.

Thank you for reading, and do stop by again.

1 comment:

  1. I love your description of the blog as being like an unblemished exercise book and quite agree that it needs some tears, some errors, some mess to be 'yours.'

    An evocative start, and your blogging beginnings have prompted me to update my blogroll so it includes a sticks'n'string section!
